One of the biggest reasons why people continue to advocate for animal testing is due to its proven ability to help companies understand how different products react to the human body. For a long time, it was the only way

Keeping an eye on global trends is one of the best ways for a government to prepare for the future. In late 2016, Senator Carolyn Stewart-Olsen aimed to make a change in Canadian law with the Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act. Learn

It’s my privilege as CEO & President of IVRO to be among the first bloggers on our site. The subject I’m raising for your awareness and support is our need for U.S. legislative action banning the use of live rabbits to determine

Conservatives and liberals alike are finding their way into the world of animal rights. With the Obama administration’s 2016 passage of the revised Toxic Substances Control Act and the current legislation on the table, the Humane Cosmetics Act, political momentum stands

The United States may finally catch up to the rest of the world when it comes to cosmetic testing on animals. Building on the momentum of Obama signing the revised Toxic Substances Control Act in 2016, some members of Congress