Cruelty-free living is the new normal among some favorite A-listers. Celebrities from all over the world are stepping up to raise awareness about animal testing. The Humane Society International estimates anywhere from 100 to 200 thousand animals suffer each year

A growing number of today’s consumers want quality products that work well, are safe to use, have a long shelf life – and do not involve the use of animal products. This trend towards cruelty-free products started with the abandonment

Thanks to the development of new non-animal testing methods, as well as increased awareness of the drawbacks of animal testing, animal testing in the United Kingdom has reached its lowest level of the past 12 years. According to PharmaTimes, the

With the amendment of The Illinois Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, or SB 241, Illinois is now the third U.S. state to ban the sale and import of cosmetics if the products were tested on animals. This ban also applies

The cosmetic industry is always looking for more innovative ways to test their products — preferably methods that don’t require the use of animals. Alternative approaches like in-vitro, human tissue and computer models tend to be less expensive and certainly

Australian lawmakers have listened to the people and are taking definitive steps to end animal testing in the cosmetics industry. But is it enough? Animal welfare society, RSPCA Australia says that more than 85% of Australians are against testing cosmetic